Grade 12 Results 2025 Namibia (NSSC Results 2025): The directorate of National Examinations and Assessment (DNEA), Namibia, and the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC) conducted Grade 12 (NSSC) exams in the month of October. NSSCH is known as Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Higher Level results for full-time and part-time candidates likely to be released in the month of January.

How to check NSSC Results 2025?
Grade 12 Results 2025 Namibia
The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Directorate of National Examinations and Assessment hereby announces the results release date of the 2025 Grade 10 (JSC) and Grade 12 Higher level (NSSCH) on 3rd Week of December. Both websites and SMS services will become active at 00:15 minutes after midnight.
The following procedure should be followed when using the SMS services to obtain the results. E.g. NSSCH followed by surname and first name/examination number of candidate.
Example: NSSCH Kaperu Theo or Example: NSSCH 10HE250025
E.g. JSC followed by surname and first name/examination number of candidate.
Example: JSC Kamoloh Fennie or Example: JSC 10HE250025
Send this information to any of the following numbers 2929, 99099 or 55755 and in response, your surname, name and results will be displayed on your screen. The results will also be available on the website of the Directorate of National Examinations and Assessment at and on the Ministerial website at
- In Namibia after successful completion of Grade 12 learners are presented with a Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC). At the University of Namibia’s basic requirement for entrance to undergraduate degree programmes is a Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) with a pass in five subjects with a total score of 25 points.
- The Grade 12 examination is taken at two levels as NSC Higher and Ordinary Level. At this stage, in this page, we are discussing only releasing the examination results for NSSC Higher Level.
- The 12-grade results will be available on the website of the Directorate National Examinations and Assessment, the website of the Ministry of Education, and the website of the Republican Newspaper. The results may also be obtained through the SMS service.
Namibia Grade 12 Results 2025 Release Date:
- Generally, the NSSC results are released in the month of December, in 2014 it was released on 18 December 2014, and in 2015 grade 12 results were announced on 17 December 2015. So it is expected that this year the result may release mid of December with grade 10 results. Now it is confirmed that the result will be published on 21/12/2019.
How to check the NSSC results 2025:
Directorate National Examinations and Assessment and Namibia and Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC) have made several ways to get the results. There are the following ways by which a student can access the nssc results easily.
Grade 12 results from Regional offices:
- The statements of Results for full-time candidates will be released via regional offices
to the schools where the grade 12 examinations were written, for handing out or posting to
- Regional offices will receive Broadsheets, which among other things, will indicate the subject grades awarded and points scored per candidate per school, in addition to the
handing out of Statements of Grade 12 Results to candidates by schools.
Grade 12 results from the Official website:
DNEA and MoEAC both allow students to check the results through web application i.e. if you have Internet collection you can check the results by using your smartphone and computer.
Grade 12 Result through DNEA Exam Results 2025 @
- Step 1: Open your Internet browser.
- Step 2: Type the URL in the address bar “”
- Step 3: “DNEA Exam Results Query Service” Page will open.
- Step 4: Now select “Grade” From the list textbooks as “Grade 12”
- Step 5: Select the “Examination Session:” as 2025.
- Step 6: Enter Student Number: “__________”
Grade 12 student Numbers look like this: 15HE999999 - Step 7: Finally click on “view Result”
NSSC Result through MoEAC Exam Results @ View Results
- Step 1: Open your Internet browser.
- Step 2: Type the URL in address bar “”
- Step 3: “My Results Online” Page will open.
- Step 4: Now select “Grade” From list textbox as “Grade 12”
- Step 5: Select the “Session/Year:” as 2025.
- Step 6: Enter Student Number: “__________”
Grade 12 student Number looks like this: 15OA999999 or A099999 - Step 7: Finally click on “view Result”
Grade 12 Results 2025 Via SMS:
Exam results for grade 12 (NSSC) may be obtained via SMS by following example format of SMS. There are two formats for SMS services one is using name another is using examination number.
NSSC : SMS services one is using name:
- Go to write SMS, Type your <<Exam Name>> <<Space>> <<surname>> <<Space>> <<first name>>.
- Example for NSSCH Results: NSSCH Kaperu Theo
NSSC” SMS services one is using name:
- Go to write SMS, Type your <<Exam Name>> <<Space>> <<examination number>>
- Example for NSSCH Results: NSSCH 10HE102145
Send this information to any of the following numbers 2929, 99099 or 55755 and in response your surname, name and results will be displayed on the screen of your cell phone.
Namibia Grade 12 Results Performance:
- For 2014,19 392 full-time and 25 540 part-time candidates sat for the examination at 176 and 125 full-time and part-time centers respectively. The majority of the part-time candidates, 22 886 were registered with Namibia College of Open Learning; while a total of 2 654 were registered with other Private Institutions recognized and approved by the Ministry of Education.
- When compared to 2013, the number of full-time candidates decreased by 109 (0.6%) to 19 392 candidates. The results of the 2014 full-time candidates show a better performance especially at Grades A, B, C, and G while their performance in Grades A* and D remains the same at 00 and -6% respectively as in 2013.
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