www.ecol.org.ls Results 2025 Examinations Council of Lesotho Results

www.ecol.org.ls Results 2025: ECOL Results 2025 Examinations Council of Lesotho 2025-2026 Results examscouncil.org.ls 2025 result will be published on www.ecol.org.ls Results for all exams like LGCSC Exam Results, JC Results, PSLE Exam Results e.t.c.

www.ecol.org.ls Results 2025

www.ecol.org.ls Results 2025:

The Examinations Council of Lesotho (ECoL) is a non-profit making organization, which is responsible for conducting public examinations and publishing their results. It conducts public examinations at the end of basic education, Standard 7 (Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) ), after the end of Junior Secondary, Form C (Junior Certificate Examination), and at the end of Senior Secondary, Form E (O’ Levels/COSC). The O’Level curriculum and examinations have been provided to Lesotho since 1961 by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) and later by Cambridge International Examinations CIE.

Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE):

This is an examination that is taken at the end of 7 years of schooling. It is mainly used for selection into Junior Secondary.

There are five subjects that are examined at the end of PSLE, namely;

  • English
  • Sesotho
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies

Since PSLE in Lesotho is free and compulsory, the examinations are also free for all public schools.

ECOL Results 2025 of PSLE exam is expected to declare in the first week of December. However, this schedule depends on the Hon. Minister decision/approval to publish results. Website of view www.ecol.org.ls Results 2025 online.

Junior Secondary (JS):

This is an examination that is taken at the end of Junior Secondary. The subjects are grouped as follows and candidates must take at least seven subjects, four from Group1, two from Group 2 and one from Group 3 or one from Group 1 and two from Group 3. There are two types of candidates, private candidates, and school candidates.

  • School Candidates are full-time learners and are doing a minimum of 6 subjects. Their registration is done in 2 ways: firstly they submit a softcopy of registration lists which ends on February. Secondly, they complete the financial registration (pay for the candidates registered for examinations) towards the end of May.
  • Private Candidates are learners who are studying as individuals without attending any formal schools. They study six subjects or more or less. They can register to the nearest schools or go directly to the Examinations Council of Lesotho. Their registration ends towards the end of May.

Examinations Council of Lesotho Results 2025 of the JC exam is expected to declare in the first week of January. However, this schedule depends on the Hon. Minister decision/approval to publish results.

LGCSE (Lesotho General Certificate Of Secondary Education)

This is an examination written at the end of Senior Secondary. It is based on the IGCSE model and it is accredited by Cambridge International Examinations. The student must sit for at least six subjects to be eligible for full certification in Compulsory subjects.

Subjects classified into five disciplines:

  • Languages
  • Social sciences
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Creative, Technical and Vocational

Examinations Council of Lesotho Results 2025 of LGCSE exam expected to declare on the end of January. However, this schedule depends on the Hon. Minister decision/approval to publish results.

How to check Examinations Council of Lesotho Results 2025?


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P.O.Box 507
Maseru 100

  • Tel: (+266) 2231-2880
  • Fax: (+266) 2232-2866
  • Email: examscouncil@examscouncil.org.ls